Mimic (sensitive) data with AI to generate synthetic data twins
Mimic statistical patterns of original data in synthetic data with the power of artificial intelligence
Protect sensitive information by removing or modifying personally identifiable information (PII)
Create, maintain, and control representative test data for non-production environments
Mimic statistical patterns of original data in synthetic data with the power of artificial intelligence
Assess generated synthetic data on accuracy, privacy, and speed
Our synthetic data is assessed and approved by the data experts of SAS
Synthesize time-series data accurately with Syntho
Protect sensitive information by removing or modifying personally identifiable information (PII)
Identify PII automatically with our AI-powered PII Scanner
Substitute sensitive PII, PHI, and other identifiers
Preserve referential integrity in an entire relational data ecosystem
Utilize our best-practice solutions to generate test data that reflects production data for comprehensive testing and development in representative scenarios.
Generate synthetic data to mimic real-world or targeted scenarios using predefined rules and constraints
Reduce records to create a smaller, representative subset of a relational database while maintaining referential integrity