Consistent mapping

Preserve referential integrity in an entire relational data ecosystem

Consistent Mapping for referential integrity

Introduction Consistent Mapping

What is consistent mapping?

Preserve referential integrity with consistent mapping in an entire data ecosystem to match data across tables, databases and systems.

What is referential integrity?

Referential integrity is a concept in database management that ensures consistency and accuracy between tables in a relational database. Referential integrity would ensure that every value that corresponds to Person 1” of “Table 1” corresponds to the correct value of person 1 inTable 2and any other linked table.

Enforcing referential integrity is crucial for maintaining the reliability of test data in a relational database as part of non-production environments. It prevents data inconsistencies and ensures that relationships between tables are meaningful and reliable for proper testing and software development.

How to preserve referential integrity with consistent mapping?

Consistent mapping ensures that referential integrity across tables, databases and systems is preserved as part of de-identification.

For any column that has the First Name mocker applied with the Consistent Mapping feature enabled, the first name values of “Karen” will be consistently mapped to the same Synthetic Mock Value, which is “Olivia” in the example.

For any column that has the SSN mocker applied with the Consistent Mapping feature enabled, the SSN values of “755-59-6947” will be consistently mapped to the same Synthetic Mock Value, which is in “478-29-1089” in the example.

Consistent Mapping for referential integrity

Across tables

Consistent mapping works across tables

Across databases

Consistent mapping works across databases

Across Systems

Consistent mapping works across systems

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Why do organizations have consistent mapping and referential integrity as key requirements?

Test data in a relational database environment should preserve referential integrity to be usable. Maintaining referential integrity in non-production environments, such as those used for testing and software development, is important for several reasons:

  • Integration testing and end-to-end testing: In complex systems, different modules or components may rely on each other through database relationships, potentially across different systems. Referential integrity is crucial during integration testing to ensure that these dependencies are properly maintained, and the integrated components work together as expected.
  • Realistic testing scenarios: Testing environments should mirror the production environment as closely as possible to ensure that the testing scenarios are realistic. If referential integrity is not maintained, the behavior of the system may differ from what is expected in a production setting, leading to inaccurate test results.
  • Data quality: Non-production environments are not exempt from the need for high-quality data. Maintaining referential integrity ensures that the data used for testing and development accurately reflects the relationships between entities in the system. This is essential for producing reliable results and making informed decisions during the development process.

How can I apply consistent mapping?

Apply mockers on PII automatically

Users can apply consistent mapping in the Syntho Engine over workspaces, at workspace level and on column level for each mocker. This enables the application of domain-specific consistent mapping, providing users with flexibility and the ability to generate accurate test data with preserved referential integrity.

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