Use case: Demo data

Astonish your prospects with next-level product demos, tailored with representative AI-generated synthetic demo data

Seeing is believing

You will need "demo data "for product demo's to astonish your prospects with next-level product demos 

A product demo in a sales process is essentially a time machine for your prospective client. They use this time machine to get a vision of what the future will look like, if they decide to buy your product. Therefore, these demos are very valuable and critical in your prospect’s decision making process.

Your prospect will use the time machine to get a clear view of how well your product works for their specific use case. Seeing that you took the time to really understand their business, sector and challenges will trigger the prospect to take you seriously and the chances of making a sale will increase. A critical part in giving a great demo is making sure you have the correct data, relevant for your prospect. However, having the right data in place for your demo typically introduces challenges.


Potentially you miss opportunities, because your demo data is suboptimal for product demo's

"Why do I see males that are pregnant in your application? How is that possible?"

You cannot use your clients data

Data creation by hand takes time

Data creation by hand results in errors

Our solution: AI-generated demo data

Create a synthetic data win based on your production data

Our Syntho Engine mimics your end-to-end production environment to generate a synthetic data twin based on your production data with the power of AI. With our connectors, we load this synthetic data twin fully automatically into your demo or test environment. The result: AI generated demo / test data; an easy and fast solution to generate production-like demo / test data.

Ai generated synthetic demo data

Errorless, high quality demo data

Tailor your product demo

Easy, fast and agile


Astonish your prospects with next-level product demos, tailored with representative AI-generated synthetic demo data

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